Brass Multi Arm Chandelier with Cut Glass Drops
Elegant Brass Chandelier with Three Holophane Style Shades
French Brass Birdcage Chandelier
Mid Century Wooden Chandelier with Decorative Glass Shades
Art Nouveau Copperised Brass Chandelier
Elegant Brass Chandelier with Floral Glass Shades
Murano Millefiori Art Glass Chandelier
Mid Century Chrome Chandelier
Heavy Cast Brass Flemish Style Chandelier
Small Birdcage Chandelier with Glass Bobéche Pans
Small Brass and Glass Basket Pendant
Mid Century Sputnik Chandelier
Mid Century Brass Chandelier with Murano Glass Bobéche Pans
French White Glass Swan Neck Chandelier
Mid Century Brass and Black Chandelier with Decorative Yellow Glass Shades
French Brass Birdcage Chandelier with Glass Bobéche Pans and Flat Leaf Drops
70s Wooden Chandelier Pendant, Three White Glass Shades with Decorative Gold Bands
French Wrought Iron Chandelier
Italian Cut Glass Beaded Balloon Chandelier
Art Deco Chrome Chandelier with Glass Ball Drops
Marie Thérèse Chandelier with Glass Harlequin Pear Drops
Small Crystal Chandelier with Prince Albert Drops
Amber Glass Chandelier with Etched Star Detailed Bobéche Pans
Painted Wrought Iron Chandelier
Birdcage Chandelier with Glass Bobéche Pans
Elegant Brass Chandelier
French Brass Chandelier with Glass Icicles Drops
Mid Century Chromed Chandelier with New Smoked Glass Shades
Large Toleware Birdcage Chandelier with Decorative Glass Drops
Art Deco Chrome Chandelier with Circular Glass Shades
Decorative French Brass Three Arm Chandelier
Ornate French Black Wrought Iron Chandelier
Large French Brass Birdcage Chandelier with Smokey Crystal Drops
French Brass Chandelier with Frosted Tulip Glass Shades
Ornate Brass Chandelier with Glass Pear Drops
Large Gold Toleware and Crystal Chandelier
Ornate Brass Chandelier with Cut Glass Pear Drops
Ornate Floral Cast Brass Chandelier
French Cast Brass Chandelier with Opaque Tulip Shades
Large Murano Pink Glass Chandelier
Antique Brass Waterfall Chandelier Dressed in Cut Glass Iceberg Drops
Pair of Antique Brass Waterfall Chandeliers with Brown Glass Teardrops
Brass Waterfall Chandelier with Glass Icicle Drops
Large Bronze Ornate Chandelier
French Downlighter Chandelier with Frosted Tulip Glass Shades
Russian Cloisonné Enamel Electrified Candelabra
Small Ornate French Brass Chandelier
Art Deco Chromed Chandelier with Frosted Frill Shades
Large Mid Century Italian Brass Chandelier with Contemporary Glass Shades
French Elegant Brass Electrified Candelabra Chandelier
Mid Century Italian Brass Sputnik Chandelier
Marie Thérèse Chandelier
French Brass Flemish Style Chandelier
French Uplighter Chandelier with Mirror and Floral Details
Vintage Flush Balloon Chandelier
Large Brass Multi Arm Chandelier with Glass Harlequin Pear Drops
French Brass Birdcage Chandelier with Harlequin Glass Pear Drops
Brass Waterfall Chandelier with Strings of Glass Buttons
French Birdcage Chandelier with Flat Leaf Glass And Crystal Drops
French Gilt Brass Birdcage Chandelier with Glass and Crystal Drops
1970s Three Textured Glass Shade Chandelier
Large French Ornate Brass Birdcage Chandelier
French Ornate Cast Brass Birdcage Chandelier
Multi Arm Brass Chandelier with Crystal Kite Drops
Early 20th Century French Balloon Chandelier
Belgian Mid Century Chandelier with Textured Glass Shades
Multi Arm Chandelier with Crystal Iceberg Drops
Electrified Gasolier Chandelier with Frosted Tulip Shades
Small Three Arm Marie Thérèse Chandelier
Mid Century Chrome Chandelier with Globe Glass Drops
Large Marie Thérèse Chandelier with Glass Flat Leaf Drops
Brass Birdcage Chandelier with Glass Pear Drops
1920s French Crystal Beaded Tent and Bag Balloon Chandelier
French Mid Century Chandelier with Moulded Glass Shades
Large Brass Chandelier with Flat Leaf and Cut Glass Pear Drops
Early 1900s French Newly Electrified Candelabra Chandelier
Large French Art Deco Mirrored Chandelier with Cut Crystal Drops
Edwardian Ornate Brass Downlighter with Frosted Frilled Shades
Mid Century Chrome Pendant with White Glass Shades
Art Deco Chandelier Signed Degué
Early 1900s Crystal Balloon Chandelier
Bohemian Crystal Chandelier
French Chromed Chandelier with Frosted Bobéche Pans and Cut Glass Harlequin Pear Drops
French Copper and Crystal Three Arm Chandelier
French Ornate Gilt Basket Chandelier with Frosted Floral Shades
French 1920s Eiffel Tower Waterfall Chandelier
Floral Basket Chandelier with Frosted Shades
Christopher Wray Chandelier
Brass Louis XIV Style Chandelier
Mid Century Brass Sputnik Chandelier with Red and Black Shades
Small Mid Century Chromed Chandelier with Three Textured Clear Glass Shades
Edwardian Three Arm Polished Brass Chandelier with Frosted Frill Shades
Large French Heavy Cast Brass Chandelier with Crystal Pears and Glass Flat Leaf Drops
Art Deco Chromed Chandelier with Textured Glass Shades
Czech Crystal Bohemian Chandelier
Mid-Century Copper and Chrome Uplighter Chandelier
Mid-Century Pendant